Saturday, August 4, 2018

The good things He has for us

A few days ago the boys and I were having our breakfast on the porch as we often do. We like to enjoy our favorite place in the coolest part of the day. I had made the boys chocolate chip muffles (muffins made in the waffle iron).

The last muffle was chock full of chocolate chips and I had cut a bite for E and called him over to get it. I could not wait to give him this bite because I knew how good it would be with all of those chocolate chips in it.

He was very busy playing and doing things. I waiting a bit and called him over again. I really could not wait to give him this chocolaty bite. Again he was busy and did not move toward me.

I sat there on my swing with the breeze blowing and wondered how many times God had called me and then waited and waited for me to not be too busy to respond so that He could give me the good gift He had prepared for me.

I just imagine that God is so excited to give us these wonderful gifts and that He too just has to wait on us to stop and receive. I can imagine that God anticipates just as I was, for us to receive the good good things that He has for us.

Matthew 7:11 - If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

How many times are we too busy to hear the call or respond to the call. How many times do we miss out on the incredible things that God has for us?

Just like I could not wait to give E this bite because I knew he would love it, God has prepared good things for us. He wants to give us good gifts. He is a good good Father.

I know I have gotten so caught up in planning my own way that I have missed out on what MY CREATOR had planned for me.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I know the Lord has a future planned for each of us. But are we listening? Are we paying attention? Or are we too busy to hear His still small voice as He calls out to us?

I know I am guilty for being too busy on my phone to even hear my own children (who are NOT still and NOT quiet) call out to me. Just last night when we were driving back home my husband reached over and tapped my leg and say, "Hey, your son has been calling you."

I don't know about you but I want the good things that the Lord has for me. I want more of Him. I want His good good gifts!

Help me to never be too busy to hear you calling. Help me to read your Word more and get alone with you more. Help me to remove from my life the unimportant things that distract me from You. Lord help. Everyday I need you and your help. I want more of You. I want to be sure I hear you when you call. I want to receive all that you have for me and my family. In Jesus name. Amen.

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