Thursday, August 16, 2018

When the loneliness sets in

As women I believe we all have those moments where we just feel so lonely. We can be surrounded by people, wonderful people and still feel lonely.

Recently I had one of those moments. I knew that my feelings were lying to me but I couldn't help but feel that overwhelming loneliness.

I cried. I laughed. I went crazy for a moment or two.

I missed my far away friends. I missed my far away family. I missed the old days. I missed this and I missed that. I was just ALL UP IN MY FEELINGS.

My wonderful husband was close by as were all of my church family and friends. I certainly was not alone. But it still FELT like I was.

Such a classic example of...FEELINGS LIE.

Readers, hear me, I am telling you that this teaching drastically changed my life. I now understand that even in the moments when I feel the lowest that these feelings are not my truth. I still feel them and battle against them, but they are NOT TRUTH.

My TRUTH comes from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and from the Word of God. Even while I was feeling extreme loneliness and sadness I knew it wasn't truth and knew where to turn for truth.

The minute I focused on the Bible and Jesus those feelings began to dissipate and they did NOT return. I happened to be teaching a class and had no choice but to move forward and change my focus. I am thankful for that. But I realize now that truly the moment that I began teaching...BOOM...the feelings began to GO!

By half way through my class I was back to normal. I was exhausted from the extreme feelings but otherwise I was back in a normal head space.

I just want to share this learning...FEELINGS often as I can because it has been so life altering for me.

We are going to feel big feelings. We are going to go through hard things. But if we can grab a hold of the understanding that our feelings are NOT TRUTH then we can begin to move forward quicker.

What I learned this time was that if I can just get focused on Jesus and the Word then those feelings will begin to dissipate sooner.

I am so excited about this new learning! I am so thankful to be about my Father's business and not have time to stay in those feelings...IN THOSE LIES. I am so happy that I had a class to teach and precious little hearts to be more concerned about.

Yes, my feelings were there and yes there was a root to them. I see the root and can deal with that without all of the feelings getting involved and for that I am also thankful!

Oh goodness I am just learning one thing after another here! I am happy that you are here learning (reading) with me!

Thank you. Thank you for YOUR ABSOLUTE TRUTH. Thank you for placing wise and Godly people in my life to teach me lessons that change my life. Thank you for continuing to teach me and move me. Thank you for allowing me the passion to share what you teach me. Thank you for who you are. Thank you Father for being such a good good Father. Thank you Lord for each and every reader. I pray that they too would learn and draw nearer to you. I pray that YOU would speak to their hearts through the words on this screen. Father I pray that YOU would change the course of their lives with YOUR LOVE and YOUR HOPE and YOUR WISDOM! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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