Thursday, October 25, 2018

How the tides have turned.

Have you heard the saying, "the tides have turned"?

Lately I have noticed several different areas in my life where the "tides have turned".  Where one thing has become the opposite of what it was. Some good and some not good.

When I think back on the places I have been and the way things were, I am quite please with how the Lord has allowed the tides to turn in a more favorable way. It took work, lots of work but with the Lord's help and effort the tides turned and there are things that are much better now than before.
I hope that we can all say that there are areas where the Lord has helped us to overcome things and change for the better.

I can also look back and see ways that the tides have turned in an unfavorable way. Pieces of me that when I finally recognize them truly break my heart and some even disgust me.
There have been a couple of situations recently that have caused me stop and to take a good look inward. My initial response was to give in to my sinful nature and to place blame elsewhere but the prompting of the Holy Spirit encourages me to look inward instead of pointing the finger elsewhere.

Pslam 139:23-24 has become my prayer. It says, "Search ME, O God, and know MY heart; test ME and know MY anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in ME, and lead me in THE WAY everlasting."

When I want to point my finger at something or someone else, that is EXACTLY the time when I need to stop and look inward. Desiring to place blame elsewhere, is a tell-tell sign that my sin nature has taken over and I need to quickly turn that finger toward myself ALONE!

Think about it. How are we supposed to recognize sin unless God points it out?

We can trust the Lord with this prayer. Yes, it is initially very uncomfortable to pray and ask God to point out the sin in us and the offensive ways in us. But HE IS TRUSTWORTHY.
God is not a God of condemnation! In fact the opposite is true. God's heart is to convict and save not condemnation. This applies to me and any who may or may not have wronged me.

So when I want to seek justice against something or someone else, God, instead, wants me to pray that those who have hurt or wronged me will turn to him BEFORE he judges them. You see, this is GOD'S HEART, that NONE should perish!

Ultimately I believe that in EVERY situation God desires for us to look to Him for what He can teach us. I want to know if there is any offensive way in me and who better to tell me than MY CREATOR, MY BEST FRIEND, MY GOOD GOOD FATHER? Then, when God shows us, we can repent and be forgiven and we become better and more Christ-like. I want so badly to be more like Christ Jesus EVERYDAY!

If I am not moving forward then I am moving backward. I do not want to go backward. I have worked so hard, with God's help, to get to the place that I am at now and I still have such a long long way to go! There are moments when I absolutely CANNOT wait to get to heaven and BREATHE and finally be done with sin, hurt, pain and shame!

Another scripture that stands out to me is found in Psalm 141:3-4. It says, "Set a guard over my mouth, O Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips. Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil to take part in wicked deeds." Oh how desperately I need to make this my prayer as well. I admit that I spend far too much time speaking before I think or pray and allowing my heart to be drawn away from God.

If I spent my energy learning about God and learning what God sees in me then I truly would not have the time or desire to waste on wicked deeds (judgmental thoughts, gossip, etc.).

Forgive me. Forgive me for allowing my heart to be drawn to evil and for taking part in wicked deeds. Forgive me for allowing my time to be wasted elsewhere. Father I pray that you would search me and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Father I pray that you would set a guard over my mouth and keep watch over the door of my lips. Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil or to take part in wicked deeds. Help me to be brave enough to allow you to search me and show me. Give me strength to truly repent and change my behaviors. I need you everyday Lord. I desire to spend more time with YOU so that I can truly be a light to the world around me. Help me to do a better job of bringing You glory with my thoughts and words, deeds and actions. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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