Monday, October 15, 2018

In the midst of hurt.

What is my response in the midst of hurt? If I am not careful I will cause hurt in the wake of my hurt.

We've all heard the saying, "Hurt people, hurt people." I simply do NOT want to one of THOSE people.

We ARE all going to experience hurt. Some of it caused by our own sinful nature and some of it caused by the sinful nature of others. It is inevitable. It is a given. Hurt WILL happen.

What is my response in the midst of that? Do I lash out? Do I spread it in order to be heard and seen? Do I speak it to be justified and gather others unto me? Or do I gracefully take it back to Jesus?

In my sinfulness I have done all of those things. I am ashamed to admit but honesty is where I find freedom.

I am sinful. I am imperfect. In the midst of hurts caused both by me and others I have indeed lashed out, spoke out, desired a following and even taken my hurts to Jesus.

As I was studying Hannah (1 Samuel 1:1-28 & 2:1-10) this morning my eyes were opened anew to how God honors those who come to Him in honest prayer, with the hurts of this world.

Hannah was a barren women who shared her loving  husband with a bully who was NOT barren. Hannah could have lashed out, she could have sounded out but instead she wept and prayed before the Lord and asked HIM to intervene on her behalf.

NIV Life Application study notes say: Each of us may face times of barrenness when "nothing comes to birth" in our work, service, or relationships. It is difficult to pray in faith when you feel so ineffective. But, as Hannah discovered, prayer opens the way for God to work.

Pray in faith. Pray in faith when we do not feel like it. Pray in faith when we want to speak out or lash out. Pray in faith when we feel sorry for ourselves. Pray in faith when we feel ineffective.

Prayer opens the way for God to work. Prayer opens our hearts. Prayer opens our eyes. Prayer shifts our focus back to HIM. Pray. Pray. Pray.

Today I have sought the Lord in prayer and have once again asked Him to FORGIVE ME and to PROTECT ME from my own sinful nature and from the bitterness that hurt can cause.

I do not want to hurt people out of my own hurt. I do not want to become bitter. I do not want to walk around with a burden that does not belong to me in the first place. I do not want to be changed from the person God created me to be.

I pray that no matter what hurt comes my way, may I always bring it right back to you and allow you to carry that burden and heal my heart to the fullest so that I may continue to love without holding anything back. Father, I ask you for forgiveness. Forgive me for lashing out and speaking out when I should have come to you. Forgive me for desiring justification instead of YOUR WILL. Forgive me for allowing ugly things to rule my heart. Father I ask that YOU heal all hurt and remove all bitterness from my heart. Father I ask you to always allow me to love without condition and with abandon. Let me hold nothing back out of fear of hurt. Help me to forgive and I seek to be forgiven. Father I pray for every reader that they too would pray and seek forgiveness and healing instead of justification and agreement from others. Speak Lord. Move Lord. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen.

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