Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Aaahhh Nap time

Oh the peaceful bliss that is NAP TIME!

I am a mom to two wonderful boys...E is 2 (almost 3) and G is 1. My boys are 17 months apart and we are just getting to the place where I can breathe again and be somewhat sane.

When we added G to the team....well, my world turned upside down quickly and it has taken over a year to get it turned right side up again.

I have managed to get us into a good routine that does include both of the boys napping at the same time for at least 2 hours. THIS, MY FRIENDS, IS MY SANITY!

They are truly wonderful little boys though. Both are so very smart. So smart that I fear they will out smart me very soon and oh what a pickle that would be for sure.

E is my independent, strong-willed, incredibly smart big boy. My Sweet Face.  He is a daddy's boy and has been almost since birth. He loves firetrucks, planes and BEING OUTSIDE!

G is my clingy, screaming, paci loving smart, smart lil man. My Squishy. He is a mama's boy but has recently really begun to think about being a daddy's boy. He always wants to be close enough to touch you and has just recently stopped screaming when you are not close enough. HE'S ONE YEAR AND 4+ MONTHS PEOPLE!!

Yep, you got it. That's why we are just now getting our world turned right side up again...well that, and the fact that I HAD/HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PARENT TODDLERS! We work with elementary kids not toddlers!

Today was one of the good days! The boys played sweetly while mommy got things done. There was very little fighting or screaming! I call that a win, even if the tv was on to help. (Don't judge. It's a Wednesday and I have a STARS class to teach tonight. Things needed to get done!)

So here I am sitting in the dark, listening to the thunder and enjoying the quiet that is nap time. I work very hard to get all my house chores or running around done so that when nap time arrives, mama gets to do whatever she wants! Sometimes I lay on the couch and watch the Hallmark channel. Sometimes I dive deep into my bible and journal. Sometimes I study for church or a women's speaking engagement. Sometimes I paint set pieces for a new children's church series.  Sometimes I play on my phone. Sometimes I film videos for my women's ministry Facebook page. You know, I just do whatever I want to do. This is my me time and it is my SANITY!

I learned before children and marriage that I am a person who requires a certain amount of alone time to recharge and regroup. When it was just me and Mr. Wonderful (what I call my husband), that was fairly easy to come by, but once we had kids...YIKES! I have to work at it very hard but I have managed to pull it off and we are all better for it.

I get it most days but not everyday. When Mr. Wonderful is off, family time is the priority and we enjoy every moment and adventure. I have had to give myself pep talks and remind myself that it is okay to break routine on family days and on occasion. This is hard for me and E. We LOVE routine and we thrive in it. Mr. Wonderful and G are cut from the same fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants cloth, so we are all learning to find the balance in that for all of us!

Oh this life...IT IS GOOD!!

Jesus is our center, our core, our Salvation and Joy! We are loving living out our dream life. We dreamed of fulfilling our calling and getting to be in full-time Children's Ministry while I get to stay home with the boys and we are living that life everyday and LOVING EVERY MOMENT!

Today I just feel so THANKFUL for this life we get to live and for all the ways we get to serve our Faithful and Loving God.

Thank you for your faithfulness and for bringing us to this place in our journey. This road has not always been easy. In fact you saw us through a really dark valley before getting to this place. I find myself so full of LIFE and JOY and there was a time both of those things were such a struggle. Thank you Father for walking us through the valley. Thank you for allowing us to love your people and serve you as parents and in ministry. Help me to be the best MOM and Minister that I can be. In Jesus name I pray.

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