Monday, May 21, 2018

What God can do with simple willingness

Recently I have seen women in our church step out and say "Yes" to God.

It reminds me of years ago when I began dipping my toes in obedience to the Lord and began serving in the church.

You see we all have to start somewhere. And we all start at basically the same place...a simple willingness to be obedient to the Lord.

You don't always have the confidence you'll have later when you take that first step. But the confidence will come and God will meet you exactly where you start, and then every step of the way.

It has been PURE JOY to watch as our women take step after step after step in obedience to the Lord.

I am literally watching them bloom before my very eyes and it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

And just like me, they are starting with simple willingness and a step of faith. And I pray that we will all continue to take those steps and go where God leads, because there are people who need us.

When I started my Christian walk, I would never have imagined where I would be right now. I would never have dreamed that I would have served on staff as a Children's Pastor or be married to a full-time Children's Pastor, co-lead a Middle School small group, or have the passion and fire that I have for speaking to and leading women.  If anyone would have told me those things, I would have laughed right in their face. Yet, here I am, doing things I never dreamed of doing and having such big dreams to do more, to do as much for the Kingdom of God as I can before I go to Heaven!

And to top that off, I get to watch as ladies all around me take the same timid steps of faith or bold steps of faith and BLOOM as they walk in obedience.

I am watching ladies encourage ladies, pray for each other and be present in each other's lives.  It is so incredibly humbling to get to be a part of what God is doing. It is incredibly humbling that God would pick me to be a part of His Kingdom and do anything that I can to uplift, encourage, grow and propel others in His Kingdom as well! What an absolute honor.

Maybe you are reading this and you have thought,  "maybe I should do this or that," or maybe you feel the tug of the Lord to do something that is well outside of your comfort zone. Let me encourage you right now. Go! Do! Take that step! You may not be fully confident right now, but, I promise, as you say yes to the Lord the confidence will come. Every time you say yes and try it or do it, the confidence will come.The strength will come. The anointing will come.

You don't have to be anything or anyone but YOU. You have something to offer that NO ONE ELSE can...YES, YOU!!

You, oh broken woman of God. You, oh hurt woman of God. You, oh scared woman of God. You! You! You! You!! You have a story like no one else, experiences and talents like no one else.

Please hear me dear woman of God. Please do not compare yourself to anyone else. I have found myself lost in that trap, and debilitated by that trap. Please don't go there. I know it is hard, but don't allow that trap that is set by the enemy to get in your way.

God is calling YOU...and I pray that YOU will simply be willing to say YES to the LORD and then watch what HE will do in and through YOU!

I pray for every reader that he or she will see themselves through YOUR eyes and be willing to say Yes and be open to do and try new things. I pray that you would stir up a passion and fire inside of them as they step again and again and again! I pray that you would speak clearly to them the things that you have called them to do and give them your supernatural courage and faith to do those things. And Father I pray that every single time they are obedient to you that they would physically feel their spirit woman or man getting stronger and stronger. Lord have your way in us. Lord use us. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

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