It happens one choice at a time. Sin. Christianity.
Romans 1:25 "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator - who is forever praised. Amen."
Romans 1:28 "Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done.
This is how sin takes over. Once choice at a time until God gives us over to it. He is a gentleman and He will not force anyone to love him. It happens by our choosing. One choice at a time. Which is why we have to be so careful what we put into our minds. We have to be so careful because the enemy is bombarding us with attitudes and beliefs that are totally opposed to the Bible. TV, music, movies, social media, and all other media are presenting sinful lifestyles and unwholesome behavior constantly, without stopping. Media never stops.
But we have to. We have to stop. We have to remove ourselves from that. We have to do our very best to not be consumed by it. It is literally EVERYWHERE. Even at church.
We have to choose to shut it off and get alone with God. We have to choose to lay down the phones, turn off the world and read our paper bibles, our physical paper bibles. Why? Because there are no distractions in that.
Becoming consumed with sin OR becoming more Christ-like happens one choice at a time.
Choose praise and worship over secular music.
Choose christian fiction over non-christian.
Choose PG over PG13 or worse.
Choose paper over electronic.
Choose devotional time over social media scrolling.
Choose HIM versus the world.
Choose to say NO to sin, the things that tempt you, the things God hates.
We get to choose.
I get to choose.
And I fail at this way more than I care to. But I am praying that once choice at a time will draw me away from these distractions and closer to God.
I want to be more Christ-Like. I want to shine brighter. I want to love bigger. I want to be kinder. I want all of these things.
I want balance. I want HIM. I want my children to choose HIM.
That starts with me. It all starts with me but HE has promised to help and to never leave us or forsake us.
Romans 6:14 "For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace."
- If we are bound to Christ, he is our master, and he give us power to do good rather than evil
One choice at a time. With HIS help and HIS power.
I chose to today to get up early to get alone with Him. I am thankful I did.
Will you join choice at a time?
help us to choose you. Help us to see the places where we need to stop and choose you. Help us to MAKE TIME ALONE WITH YOU AND YOUR WORD. Help us to draw closer to YOU, one choice at a time. I ask for your strength and your power. I ask you Holy Spirit to lead and guide me daily. Help me to hear you louder than I hear anything else. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
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